Starting a business and not sure where to start?
Struggling with deciding on which business entity is best for you?
Don't understand the advantages of incorporating?
Not sure how taxes will affect your business bottom line?
Navigating the Global Property Market
Before we begin...
How to Use the Discussion Feature
90 Day Access - Reminder
Business Structure, Tax Strategy & Your Success
Poll: Business Structures
Business Structure, Tax Strategy & Your Success
Before you go...
Bonus Material
Business & Tax Articles
Our course is taught by
Alexis Hart McDowell,
CEO of EPIC Impact Investors;
Real Estate Investor & Attorney, and former adjunct law professor.
After completing this course, you’ll understand:
Different types of business structures
Ownership restrictions & requirements
Benefits of incorporating
Tax designations & treatment
Business strategy creation
Exit strategy considerations
What kind of course is this?
This course was created from a live webinar that the instructor conducted. It is an conversational format as the instructor answers questions live from the audience.
How will I receive my purchase?
Once your purchase is complete, you’ll receive an email with your username and password to access the course.
How long do I have access to the course?
Once your purchase is complete, you’ll have access to the course materials within the portal for 90 days from the date of purchase.
How long does it take for me to complete the course?
The main video in this course is just under an hour. I recommend you review the video more than once and take notes, as it is a lot of information to digest.
Who do I contact if I have any questions?
If you have questions regarding the course or need personalized consultation, contact us at [email protected].